Lincoln and The Hustle

Posted by David A McClain on May 25, 2016

  I came across this Abraham Lincoln quote today:

“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”

It sparked all sorts of notions in me. I love that it sounds like it could have been said today. If I didn’t attribute it, you might wonder if it was from Elon Musk? Jeff Bezos? Steve Jobs?

What I really love is that it serves as a reminder that our generation, this fifty-odd miles of San Francisco city and peninsula, didn’t invent the hustle. We didn’t come up with getting up early to work on our thing. Or working long into the night past when your eyes sting from tiredness. That we aren’t the first to want to change our world. That it’s just part of being human and long after everything around us crumbles, there will be people, and there will be hustle.